marți, 21 noiembrie 2017

The Part of You That No One Sees

Am gasit mai devreme un test stupid care m-a amuzat si am zis sa il pun aici ca deh.. sa amuze si entuziasmeze si pe altii: What’s the Part of You That No One Sees? Rezultatul meu: “You are powerful, passionate, and dominant. You have a vision of how things should be, and you do your best to make things happen. People rely on you for your strength. You are a rock to many.Underneath it all, you aren’t so sure about your passions. So many ideas spark your interest, it is hard for you to get behind a select few. However, you see indecision as a sign of weakness. So you pursue your goals full force - no matter how foolish they turn out to be.” Tare, nu?


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